You apply for a credit card. You are turned down because of a low credit score – yet you know you’ve always paid your accounts on time.
A debt collector calls, demanding payment on a six-month overdue account for a credit card you have never had.
You receive a credit card in the mail that you never applied for.
What’s happening? You might be the victim of identity theft. An impostor may be using your personal information to obtain credit.
Yes, you can insure against identity theft generally for a small premium. The coverage cannot protect you from becoming a victim of ID theft, but it can provide you with coverage for the cost of reclaiming your financial identity – such as hiring an attorney, making phone calls, and lost wages.
Your direct monetary losses incurred as a result of that theft are not generally insured. Most ID theft policies have coverage limits of $10,000 to $15,000.
Contact us today to find out more about this valuable coverage.